About Nordic Heat 
We are all very pleased to welcome you!
We are a Danish company and the leading manufacturer of battery heated clothing and products in Europe.
Since 2012, we have been working intensively with design and development in close collaboration with our factories, engineers and design department. It is important to us that our clothes are produced in ISO certified factories under working and production conditions that are in line with Danish conditions.
At Nordic Heat we are constantly developing new solutions that make clothing with battery heated zones even better. Over the past years, thousands of craftsmen, riders, hunters, divers, gardeners and cyclists among many others have already had our clothings as an almost indispensable part of their wardrobe. Through continuous feedback Nordic Heat improves and develops on details that makes our users experience of the clothes even better.
We exclusively offer ‘high-end’ quality products – and please note:
We never compromise on quality or safety.
If you would like advice on choosing products or sizes, we are always ready to help.
As firstmovers and the leading manufacturer on the market we always strive to deliver the:
- Highest quality
- Greatest heat output (7.4 and 12 volt!)
- Widest range of products and sizes
- Best innovation and design, and
- World class customer service
We can be contacted at +45 2717 0000 or via email: service@NordicHeat.dk
Welcome to Nordic Heat – A GAME CHANGING TECHNOLOGY !